July 17, 2007

ethel and arthur, ca. 1927

this is my grandmother ethel and her older brother arthur, in what is possibly my favorite photograph of all time. her expression could only be more perfect if she were raising one eyebrow.

because i like to concoct stories, i like to think that this picture was taken in baltimore, when ethel and her parents were visiting arthur at college. art was 13 years older than my grandmother and she idolized him. that's why she's making this pleased as punch, silly little bunny face, while he is humoring his baby sister even though he feels like he's too old for this kind of thing.

ethel kalisch hoffer (1918-1991) and arthur kalisch (1906-1949)


DeborahK said...

I love this shot! Very sad to read those dates - - your uncle didn't have a very long life, did he? Your grandmother did better, tho'.

Congrats on our new blog!

Natasha Fatale said...

Little Ethel was quite a cutey. Noticed she has a hanky tucked unter her wristwatch. Do you suppose she carried it because every lady should, or do you suppose she had the sniffles? Thanks for including me amongst the Beautiful People!

Anna M. said...

I love this photograph too! I love that you have a blog! So, there's more than one person posting? Ok. I will get it straight :) Congratulations!

rebecca said...

deborah - thanks! yes, arthur died pretty young. i am glad i inherited the nose and not the high blood pressure that killed him.

natasha - you know, i was never sure what that was under her watch, but that makes perfect sense. she probably did have the sniffles because she had horrible allergies (that i also did not inherit) - as did arthur, which is why he grew up to be an allergist. :)

anna - nope! only me posting. :)

Unknown said...

Very nice Rebecca. You are an amazing woman..I am proud to be a part of your bloodlines.

Katie said...

I love you and am so glad you started this one up...